To the love I still don’t meet

Each time I see her, it’s like my eyes want to rip off themselves, so never will they catch a single thing as beautiful as she. Don’t know if that’s even possible, but I don’t know her yet, so anything can happen, good or bad.

Whenever I glance at your face, I feel myself falling; is this what people call ‘love’? Or maybe some of those feelings you have before an important meeting with the bosses. Don’t know. I’m oblivious to many things, but there’s one thing for sure: I —think— I’m starting to like you.

I’m getting nervous. What is supposed to say in these kinds of situations? Which are the words, gentle or unadorned, that you would like to read? Messy my thoughts are, but clear the love in my heart is.

Don’t know what I’m doing, what I’m writing, or what I would say in case you appear in front of me one day —proving yourself real. I’m just a lover that wants to hold hands, take one night or two to talk outside, have a special dinner once in a while, try that good wine yet to buy, and pet a cat yet to be born. A delusional lover that thinks real life is just part of a larger imagination, more fiction than facts, more hatred than glee. Glance glad, gal, thus I —think— I love you.

Even if you’re not real, or never come across my sight. Don’t want to sound too desperate, it’s just that when you are in love, sometimes you forget how to still be a human.

Poor me, I guess. But I smile, and that’s the true magic and nature of love: no matter how impossible it is, it’s still a concept we experience in our lifetime. That’s something to be thankful for.

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